Weekly DOE Ethanol Update – 5/20/15
May 15th Ethanol Run Rates up 5.0% From the Previous Week
May 15th Weekly Increase in Ethanol Production was the Largest in Over Two Years
May 15th Weekly Increase in Ethanol Production of 5.0% was Greater Than a Two-Sigma Event
May ’15 Ethanol Production Down 0.2% MOM and 0.9% YOY Through Three Weeks
May 15th Ethanol Stocks up 0.7% From the Previous Week
May ’15 Ethanol Stocks-to-Production Down 0.5% MOM, up 18.0% YOY Through Three Weeks
May 15th Weekly Increase in Ethanol Stocks Greatest on the Gulf Coast
May 15th Total Ethanol Stocks up 20.3% YOY, West Coast Stocks up 44.0% YOY
Mar ’15 Ethanol Exports Down 11.1% MOM and 0.2% YOY
May ’15 Ethanol Imports Remain at Minimal Values
May 15th Gasoline Sales up 0.7% From the Previous Week
May ’15 Gasoline Sales up 2.0% MOM but Down 0.2% YOY Through Three Weeks
May ’15 Ethanol Blend Rate Down 0.5% MOM but up 1.7% YOY Through Three Weeks