June New Zealand Milk Production Up 11.5% YOY –…
According to Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ), Jun ’14 New Zealand milk production continued the recent trend of production growth, increasing 11.5% YOY. YOY milk production gains have accelerated over the past four months, up 25.4% YOY over the period, as adverse weather conditions reduced production last spring. Jun ’14 New Zealand production was 7.4% higher than the three year average June production and 19.7% higher than the five year average June production. New Zealand milk production reaches its seasonal low in June, with monthly production accounting for less than 1.0% of total annual production, so changes in production within the month have a minimal impact on changes in annual production.
Future YOY gains are expected to moderate, but remain strong. According to the Fonterra August Global Dairy Update, milk collections across New Zealand were up 7.2% in Jul ’14. North Island collections were up 8.1% YOY in Jul ’14 as central and lower regions of the North Island have started the ’14-’15 production season with favorable weather conditions, although regions in Northland have experienced significant flooding. Jul ’14 South Island collections were up 0.3% YOY as only a small number of South Island farmers provide milk in winter for New Zealand’s internal supply. Collection volumes will be lifted over the coming months as calving is progressing in the North Island and starting in the South Island.
New Zealand milk production typically peaks in October and gradually declines until seasonal lows are reached in the summer months. Over the past five years, May – July production has accounted for less than 5.0% of total milk produced. Meaningful production data will be limited until anecdotal information of August production figures is released throughout August and September. Fonterra will release August collection figures in early October and official DCANZ data will become available in the middle of October.