U.S. Dairy Cattle Inventory Blog – Feb ’15
According to USDA’s semiannual cattle inventory report, dairy producers expanded their herds throughout 2014 for the first time in three years. The report showed that as of January 1st, 2015, the dairy cow herd was 1.1% above a year ago while the number of dairy replacement heifers was 1.5% higher than the 2014 figure. Total dairy cows, at 9.31 million head, were the largest January 1st figure in six years and dairy replacement heifers, at 4.62 million head, were the largest January 1st figure in three years. Heifer replacements per milk cow of 0.496 were also at a three year high. Dairy replacement heifer growth was most significant in Wisconsin (+30,000 head), Idaho (+30,000 head), Texas (+20,000 head) and South Dakota (+15,000 head).