U.S. Dry Product Stocks Update – Mar ’15
Dry Whey – Stocks Decline MOM but Increase YOY
Jan ’15 dry whey stocks declined by 4.0%, or 2.5 million lbs, MOM to a total of 59.7 million lbs but finished higher on a YOY basis for only the second time in the past 13 months. Jan ’15 dry whey stocks finished 3.0% higher than a year ago and 10.5% higher than the five year average January dry whey stocks
NFDM – Stocks Decline Slightly MOM, Remain Significantly Higher YOY
Jan ’15 NFDM stocks declined by 0.6%, or 1.5 million lbs, MOM to a total of 239.8 million lbs but remained significantly higher on a YOY basis. Jan ’15 NFDM stocks finished 60.8% higher than a year ago and 55.2% higher than the five year average January NFDM stocks.