U.S. Dairy Cow Slaughter Update – Jul ’15
According to USDA, Jun ’15 U.S. dairy cow slaughter of 221,500 head increased 11.0% YOY and 7.0% MOM on a daily average basis. The monthly YOY increase in dairy cow slaughter was the seventh experienced in a row and the largest experienced in over two years on a percentage basis. The MOM increase in slaughter was a contraseasonal move, as slaughter rates have declined by 5.2% MOM on average from May – June over the past three years.
Increasing slaughter rates contributed to the number of dairy cows on farms declining for the first time in 20 months in Jun ‘15. The U.S. milk cow herd declined 7,000 head in Jun ’15 vs. the May ’15 revised figure to 9,317,000 total head, which remains 50,000 head more than June of last year.
MOM increases in dairy cow slaughter were led by Standard Federal Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin). The only MOM decline in dairy cow slaughter was exhibited in Standard Federal Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas).
The most significant YOY increases in dairy cow slaughter were exhibited in Standard Federal Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas) and Standard Federal Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada). The only YOY decline in dairy cow slaughter was exhibited in Standard Federal Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin).