Dairy Insights – Global Dairy Product Mix – Nov…
Milk production within New Zealand continues to decline on a YOY basis however combined production within the major dairy exporting regions of New Zealand, the EU-28, the U.S. and Australia has continued to increase slightly, primarily due to continued moderate growth within the post-quota environment of the EU-28. Although declines in New Zealand milk production may continue to be offset by increasing production within other major dairy exporting regions, when considering the global dairy product mix, there will likely be an asymmetric change in production within several key global dairy products.
In particular, whole milk powder production may be limited if New Zealand milk production continues to decline due to New Zealand accounting for the vast majority of global whole milk powder production and other major dairy exporting regions having limited ability to increase whole milk powder production. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our dairy research products, including the current report that provides an overview of the implications of declining New Zealand milk production.
Contact us for the full report.