U.S. Milk Production Update – Apr ‘14
According to USDA, March ’14 U.S. milk production was up 0.9% YOY, at 17,833 million pounds. Poor feed quality and weather conditions continued in the Midwest, with Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa, and Illinois all experiencing their fifth straight month of YOY production declines. Strong milk production in the Western states contributed to the 0.9% YOY increase, with California production increasing 3.7%. On a YOY basis, March ’14 Western milk production declined off of highs experienced earlier this year, but remained up 3.3%. March ’14 Midwestern production was down 2.3%, however production was the strongest since November, signaling possible future reversion to the mean as weather conditions improve. ‘13-’14 YTD milk production is up 0.7% YOY through the first half of the production season, which is substantially less than Europe and New Zealand production gains.