EU-28 Milk Production Continues Strong Growth – Mar ‘14
According to Eurostat, December ’13 EU-28 milk production continued the recent trend of production growth, increasing 4.4% YOY. EU-28 milk production finished the ’13 calendar year up 1.0% YOY after a strong second half of the year. Production was down 1.4% in the first half of the year, due to high feed prices, wet and cold weather, and an early spring in major milk producing countries, however production increased 3.5% YOY in the second half of the year as weather conditions and margins improved. ’13-’14 YTD (Apr ’13 – Dec ’13) EU-28 milk production is up 1.8% YOY which additional increases in production expected as producers prepare for the expiration of the EU quota system in April 2015. EU-28 milk production typically reaches a seasonal low in November before increasing to its seasonal peak in May.