U.S. Cattle on Feed Update – Sep ’15
According to USDA, cattle and calves on feed for slaughter market in the U.S. for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 9.99 million head on September 1, 2015. The Sep ’15 U.S. cattle on feed supply was up 267,000 head, or 2.7%, from September 1st of last year.
Placements in feedlots during Aug ’15 totaled 1.63 million head, down 93,000 head, or 5.4%, from August of last year and the lowest on record for the month of August. Placements for those weighing 800 pounds or more increased 3.9% YOY however placements for those weighing 700-799 pounds declined 8.4% YOY, placements for those weighing 600-699 pounds declined 24.6% YOY and placements for those under 600 pounds declined 3.7% YOY.
After deferred placements of heavier animals last summer, weights from Sep ’14 – Aug ’15 indicate a continued trend towards heavier placements. Placements for those weighing 800 pounds or more have increased by 7.7% YOY over the 12 month period.
Aug ’15 cattle placements under 700 pounds declined by 85,000 head, or 12.2%, YOY. Cattle placements under 700 pounds were generally higher throughout the ’13-’14 production season, finishing up 4.2% YOY, however ’14-’15 placements under 700 pounds have declined 10.7% YTD through the first 11 months of the production season.
Aug ’15 cattle placements 700 pounds or heavier finished down 8,000 head, or 0.8%, YOY. Cattle placements 700 pounds or heavier finished the ’13-’14 production season down 3.3% after declining 9.0% over the second half of the production season, but remain up 0.7% YTD through the first 11 months of the ’14-’15 production season, despite the most recent YOY decline.
Marketings of fed cattle during Aug ’15 totaled 1.59 million head, down 104,000 head, or 6.1%, from August of last year. Aug ’15 marketings of fed cattle were the lowest on record for the month of August. Marketings have declined YOY for 20 consecutive months, with total marketings down 5.4% over the period. Other disappearance totaled 60,000 head during Aug ’15, down 6,000 head, or 9.1% YOY.